Literature on display

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Literature on display

The Blue House is ready to kick off its second art exhibit at Chunchugwan, a building where press conferences were held. Starting from Thursday to Jan. 16, books by four giants of modern and contemporary Korean literature — Lee Sang, Yeom Sang-seop, Hyun Jin-geon and Yoon Dong-ju — will be on display. About 97 items, including books, original portraits of the authors, newspaper articles and photographs are exhibited for visitors to get to learn about Korea’s great writers. All four writers lived and worked near today’s Seochon, a neighborhood near the Blue House. The highlight pieces of the exhibit are the early editions of two famous novels — “Mansejeon” (1924) by Yeom and “Muyeongtap (Shadowless Tower)” (1939) by Hyun, as well as “Sky, Wind, Stars and Poem” (1948), which is Yoon’s posthumously published book of poems. The above photograph shows the preview held on Wednesday for reporters. [YONHAP]  
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