Art exhibition held in Itaewon features celebrities' artwork

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Art exhibition held in Itaewon features celebrities' artwork

A father and child look at artwork displayed at the art exhibition held on Sunday in Itaewon, central Seoul. The exhibition has been held as a part of the ″Hey, Itaewon″ project to revive the neighborhood after last October's tragic crowd crush. [NEWS1]

A father and child look at artwork displayed at the art exhibition held on Sunday in Itaewon, central Seoul. The exhibition has been held as a part of the ″Hey, Itaewon″ project to revive the neighborhood after last October's tragic crowd crush. [NEWS1]

An art exhibition was held in Itaewon, central Seoul, over the weekend to help revive the neighborhood still struggling after the tragic crowd crush that took place last Halloween.
Celebrities also known for their artistic talent, including Hwang Chan-sung of boy band 2PM, Solbi, Kim Wan-sun, Cheetah, Jo Se-ho and Lee Tae-sung, have taken part to display their work. Ninety pieces of art were exhibited in total.
The exhibition comes as part of the "Hey, Itaewon" project that began last month by The Korean Association for Influencers (TKAI). Pop-up stores and wine markets were also held in tandem with the exhibition.
"We will expand the event across the country in May so that today's event does not just become a one-time event," the Minister of SMEs and Startups Lee Young said during her visit to the exhibition on Saturday.
Some 158 people, most of them in their 20s and 30s, died in a massive crowd crush on the night of Oct. 29, the first Halloween weekend since the lifting of Covid-19-related social distancing regulations.

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