Matica Biotechnology introduces self-developed cell line

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Matica Biotechnology introduces self-developed cell line

Matica Biotechnology, a U.S. subsidiary of CHA Biotech, introduced the MatiMax cell line at the Bio International Convention 2023, or BIO USA, in Boston. [CHA BIOTECH]

Matica Biotechnology, a U.S. subsidiary of CHA Biotech, introduced the MatiMax cell line at the Bio International Convention 2023, or BIO USA, in Boston. [CHA BIOTECH]

Matica Biotechnology, a U.S. subsidiary of CHA Biotech, introduced its self-developed cell line MatiMax at the annual BIO International Convention 2023 (BIO USA) taking place in Boston.
A cell line is a population of cells that can be maintained in a culture for an extended period of time, retaining the stability of certain phenotypes and functions. It is crucial in achieving the mass production of a biopharmaceutical drug.
Matica Biotechnology is a contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO) specializing in cell and gene therapies. A CDMO engages in the early stages of developing a client’s products and takes charge of mass production.
The MatiMax cell line has a faster doubling time, about 30 percent shorter than industry standards, which will shorten the processing timeline, according to Matica Biotechnology. It also has improved transfection efficiencies and increased titers, which enables higher virus production at a lower cost, the company explained.
Matica Biotechnology added that it already clinched manufacturing orders from more than four clients using the MatiMax cell line.  
“As a specialized CDMO, we are changing the rules of the game by incorporating a more holistic, multi-dimensional philosophy into our cell line platforms for cell and gene therapies,” said Michael Stewart, Matica Biotechnology’s chief technology officer.
“This fine-tuning is absolutely necessary to reduce bottlenecks for any viral vector expression system, which, in turn, can improve yields and enable doubling times that are faster than other cell line service offerings on the market.”
The global cell and gene therapy market volume is expected to reach 73 trillion won ($55.9 billion) by 2026, from this year’s 21 trillion won, according to the Korea Drug Development Fund.
“With the MatiMax cell line, we can help our clients develop cell and gene therapies in a more stable and faster manner,” said Matica Biotechnology CEO Song Yun-jeong.
The annual BIO USA, often called the CES of biopharmaceuticals, ran for four days starting Monday in Boston.

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