Travel show 2024 welcomes future tourists

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Travel show 2024 welcomes future tourists

Attendees view a demo of an AI translation device during Travel Show 2024 at Coex in Gangnam District, southern Seoul, on Friday. [YONHAP]

Attendees view a demo of an AI translation device during Travel Show 2024 at Coex in Gangnam District, southern Seoul, on Friday. [YONHAP]

Attendees view a demo of an AI translation device during Travel Show 2024 at Coex in Gangnam District, southern Seoul, on Friday. 
Travel Show 2024, hosted by Megashow and the Seoul Fairs Company and sponsored by the Seoul Tourism Organization, runs Friday through Sunday in the venue's Hall C.
The event, which takes place twice a year, allows 250 exhibitors to showcase travel-related products and services to around 50,000 potential Korean travelers.
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