Weverse reaches 100 million downloads worldwide

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Weverse reaches 100 million downloads worldwide

HYBE’s fan platform applications Weverse and Weverse Shop surpassed 100 million downloads worldwide, the entertainment agency said Thursday. [WEVERSE COMPANY]

HYBE’s fan platform applications Weverse and Weverse Shop surpassed 100 million downloads worldwide, the entertainment agency said Thursday. [WEVERSE COMPANY]

HYBE's fan platform applications Weverse and Weverse Shop surpassed 100 million downloads worldwide, the entertainment agency said Thursday.
It is the first time for a fan platform application to have reached such numbers, and the applications' monthly active users, at 9.80 million, are reaching almost 10 million users using the app per month, according to Weverse.  
Weverse first launched in June 2019 as HYBE — then named Big Hit Music — as a fan community platform for its boy band BTS, alongside Weverse Shop, a platform dedicated to selling K-pop merchandise. Since its release, the platform has expanded its functions and features to become a one-stop all-in-one platform for K-pop fans, providing fan community, official and exclusive content and more.  
The platform is also open to both HYBE artists and non-HYBE artists, including NewJeans, Seventeen, Enhypen and YG Entertainment's Blackpink and Treasure. SM Entertainment, too, announced earlier this year that the agency and its artists will be closing down its proprietary fan club application and moving to Weverse, making it the largest fan platform in the world of K-pop.  
"We will continue to introduce new services for global users to communicate better with the artists and features for fans to enjoy the platform," Choi Joon-won, president of Weverse Company, said.
To find out more about Weverse, visit Celeb Confirmed!  

BY CHO YONG-JUN [cho.yongjun1@joongang.co.kr]
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