One killed, 3 injured in knife attack outside Sillim Station in Seoul

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One killed, 3 injured in knife attack outside Sillim Station in Seoul

Police yellow tape wrapped around the scene where a man in his 30s attacked four people just outside of Sillim subway station on Friday. One died while three others were injured. [YONHAP]

Police yellow tape wrapped around the scene where a man in his 30s attacked four people just outside of Sillim subway station on Friday. One died while three others were injured. [YONHAP]

A man in his 20s died and three were injured after being attacked by a person wielding a knife outside of Sillim Station in Gwanak District, southern Seoul, on Friday.  
The incident happened near an alley located next to station's exit No. 4 at 2:49 p.m.
The three men that were injured were sent to a nearby hospital.
The suspect is currently being held in custody.  

Further details have not yet been released by the police.

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