KT inks storage MOU with Iron Mountain

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KT inks storage MOU with Iron Mountain

Song Jae-ho, vice president of KT AI/DX Convergence Division, left, and Joyce Housien, Iron Mountain's commercial head for Southeast Asia and Korea, after signing a memorandum of understanding at KT's building in Songpa District, southern Seoul, on Friday. [KT]

Song Jae-ho, vice president of KT AI/DX Convergence Division, left, and Joyce Housien, Iron Mountain's commercial head for Southeast Asia and Korea, after signing a memorandum of understanding at KT's building in Songpa District, southern Seoul, on Friday. [KT]

KT, the country's major telecommunication operator, signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Iron Mountain, a U.S. information management company, to collaborate on the storage of electronic documents. 

Through the partnership, paper documents consigned by Iron Mountain will be transferred digitally to be stored on KT’s data storage centers. The two companies will enter new markets, especially in the Asia-Pacific regions, where many companies still use paper documents.
Iron Mountain has over 220,000 customers in 58 countries.
KT operates an app and website dubbed “KT Paperless” which uses blockchain technology to produce, distribute and store electronic documents for users.
“We hope that KT’s expertise in ICT and Iron Mountain’s global business expertise merge to bring about positive change to the global market,” said Song Jae-ho, vice president of KT AI/DX Convergence Division on Friday. “This MOU will solidify KT’s position as a leader in market in document management.” 

BY LEE JAE-LIM [lee.jaelim@joongang.co.kr]
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