Fire breaks out at the Le Meridien Hotel in Gangnam

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Fire breaks out at the Le Meridien Hotel in Gangnam

Smokes rising from the Le Meridien Hotel in Gangnam, Seoul, on Thursday. No injuries had been reported as the hotel is presently closed for rennovation and construction. [YONHAP]

Smokes rising from the Le Meridien Hotel in Gangnam, Seoul, on Thursday. No injuries had been reported as the hotel is presently closed for rennovation and construction. [YONHAP]

 A total of 103 firefighters and 29 fire trucks were dispatched to the Le Meridien Hotel in Gangnam after a fire broke out on the roof.
According to the fire department on Thursday, reports came in about smoke emanating from the hotel's roof at approximately 12:47 p.m. The fire was successfully extinguished by 1:14 p.m.
No injuries were reported, as the hotel is presently closed for renovations and construction.

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