Korea launches bid to host Invictus Games in 2029

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Korea launches bid to host Invictus Games in 2029

Patriots and Veterans Affairs Minister Park Min-shik, center, with Prince Harry, right, founder of the Invictus Games, at wheelchair rugby match at Dusseldorf, Germany, on Sunday. [MINISTRY OF PARTRIOTS AND VETERANS AFFAIRS]

Patriots and Veterans Affairs Minister Park Min-shik, center, with Prince Harry, right, founder of the Invictus Games, at wheelchair rugby match at Dusseldorf, Germany, on Sunday. [MINISTRY OF PARTRIOTS AND VETERANS AFFAIRS]

Minister of Patriots and Veterans Affairs Park Min-shik met with Britain's Prince Harry at the Invictus Games held in Dusseldorf, Germany, on Sunday, as part of efforts to host the games in Korea in 2029.
Park, according to the ministry, told Harry during their meeting that Korea wishes to host the games.
Park said that Korea would become the first country in Asia to host the games if it's selected as the host nation.
"It will be an opportunity for the Invictus spirit to spread across the world beyond East and West," Park said. "It will be a stage where the people around the world would share the experience and value of the dedication for freedom and the universal international solidarity that was shared during the Korean War."
The Veterans Ministry said that during their conversation, Harry said Korea could secure the opportunity as soon as 2027.
At an earlier dinner reception hosted by the Invictus Games Foundation, attended by veterans affairs and defense ministers from 11 countries, Park said Korea is determined to host the games.
"The Invictus Games are more than just an international sports competition," Park said. "The Games are a moving scene where wounded, injured and sick service members come together."
"In particular, competitors challenging their limits with unwavering determination remind us of South Korea," he said. "South Korea rose from the ruins of the [Korean] War 70 years ago without giving in and achieved remarkable growth."
He added that if Korea hosts the Invictus Games, it would not only serve as a source of inspiration for wounded and injured service members and veterans but also offer encouragement to nations, such as Ukraine, that are resolutely committed to rebuilding their communities after enduring the war.
Park noted Korea's experience in hosting global sporting events, including the 1988 Seoul Olympics, the joint hosting of the 2002 World Cup with Japan, and the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang.
Park added that Korea is also seeking to secure the bid to host the World Expo in 2030.
He also said the Korean government would extend an invitation to the 22 countries that had fought alongside Korea during the Korean War, if it becomes the host nation.
Harry founded the Invictus Games, modeled after the U.S. Warrior Games in 2014, with the mission of aiding in rehabilitating service members and veterans.
Harry himself served in the British Army for a decade, including a tour of duty in Afghanistan from 2012 to 2020, where he served as an Apache helicopter co-pilot.

BY LEE HO-JEONG [lee.hojeong@joongang.co.kr]
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