Korean nationals evacuated from Lebanon amid rising military tensions

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Korean nationals evacuated from Lebanon amid rising military tensions

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Korean nationals wait at an airport in Lebanon on Friday to board a military transport aircraft provided by the government for their return home. [MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS]

Korean nationals wait at an airport in Lebanon on Friday to board a military transport aircraft provided by the government for their return home. [MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS]

A total of 97 Korean nationals and their families were evacuated from Lebanon and are scheduled to arrive in their home country on Saturday afternoon aboard a military transport aircraft provided by the government.
The evacuation comes amid escalating military tensions between Israel and Hezbollah, which have hindered the ability of Korean citizens to leave Lebanon via commercial flights.
Of the 97 evacuees, 96 are Korean citizens, while one is a family member of Lebanese nationality. No citizens from allied nations were on board the aircraft, officials confirmed.

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President Yoon Suk Yeol directed the immediate deployment of military resources for the evacuation of Korean nationals from the region during an emergency meeting convened on Wednesday. 
In response, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of National Defense dispatched the transport aircraft and a rapid response team to Lebanon.
The aircraft departed Korea on Thursday, arriving in Beirut on Friday morning. After boarding the evacuees, it left Beirut later that day and entered the Korean Air Defense Identification Zone, with plans to land at Seoul Air Base in Seongnam on Saturday.
“The government will continue to closely monitor the situation in Lebanon and the broader Middle East, and will take various safety measures to ensure the security of our nationals residing in the region,” the ministries said in a joint statement.

BY SEO JI-EUN [seo.jieun1@joongang.co.kr]
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