Sarang Indian cultural festival opens with dance and music

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Sarang Indian cultural festival opens with dance and music

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The Kuchipudi dance troupe stages a performance to open the 10th edition of the Sarang Festival in Seoul on Tuesday at Yonsei University. [EMBASSY OF INDIA IN SEOUL]

The Kuchipudi dance troupe stages a performance to open the 10th edition of the Sarang Festival in Seoul on Tuesday at Yonsei University. [EMBASSY OF INDIA IN SEOUL]

The Kuchipudi dance troupe stages a performance to open the 10th edition of the Sarang Festival in Seoul on Tuesday at Yonsei University.
The Kuchipudi, one of the eight classical Indian dance forms from the state of Andhra Pradesh, blends dance, music and acting, drawing on elements from Hindu mythology.
The Sarang festival is an annual cultural event organized by the Indian Embassy in Korea showcasing Indian art, dance, music, films and cuisine.

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