Lotte Healthcare goes digital with health management app

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Lotte Healthcare goes digital with health management app

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Lotte Healthcare CEO Lee Hoon-ki speaks during a press conference held in western Seoul on Thursday. [LOTTE HEALTHCARE]

Lotte Healthcare CEO Lee Hoon-ki speaks during a press conference held in western Seoul on Thursday. [LOTTE HEALTHCARE]

Lotte Healthcare is entering the digital health care market with Cazzle, a personalized health management app.
The company held a press conference on Thursday in southern Seoul to introduce the app, which provides a personalized health management and shopping service based on the user’s medical data and survey results, collected upon consent.
Its goal is to attract 1 million users by the end of next year.
The app is supposed to help users create healthy habits by creating incentives and sharing their exercise records with friends and family.
The service hopes to be a “health care playground” unlike any other service in Korea, Lotte Healthcare CEO Lee Hoon-ki said.
“We expect Cazzle to contribute to enhancing the Korean people’s health and the growth of the digital health care industry,” Lee added.
The mobile app will be available from Sept. 18.

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