Hanwha, Hyundai and Kia bring the big guns to Poland's MSPO expo

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Hanwha, Hyundai and Kia bring the big guns to Poland's MSPO expo

Polish President Andrzej Sebastian Duda (second from right) visits Hanwha's exhibition booth at this year's International Defence Industry Exhibition in Kielce, Poland. The president is accompanied by Hanwha Ocean Vice President Jeong Seung-kyun (second from left) and Hanwha Aerospace CEO Son Jae-il (first from right). [HANWHA OCEAN]

Polish President Andrzej Sebastian Duda (second from right) visits Hanwha's exhibition booth at this year's International Defence Industry Exhibition in Kielce, Poland. The president is accompanied by Hanwha Ocean Vice President Jeong Seung-kyun (second from left) and Hanwha Aerospace CEO Son Jae-il (first from right). [HANWHA OCEAN]

Korea's defense firms are showcasing arms products ranging from weapons and tanks to submarines at a top-notch defense exhibition in Poland, where multibillion dollar bids are underway.
Running from Sept. 3 through Sept. 6, Poland’s International Defence Industry Exhibition, widely known as MSPO, is one of the top three defense industry exhibitions in Europe, boasting a comprehensive presentation of military gear and equipment from leading global companies. Major Korean firms, including Hanwha Ocean, Hyundai Rotem and Kia, are participating in this year's MSPO in an aim to expand their presence in the European market, building upon recent agreements with Poland.

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Korean shipbuilding giant Hanwha Ocean is showcasing it's KSS-III Batch II submarine at this year's MSPO, a centerpiece that distinguishes its booth from last year's display of ground weapons, in line with its initiative to win a bid to supply such submarines to the Polish Navy as part of the government-backed Orka submarine program. Valued at approximately 3.35 trillion won ($2.51 billion), the program aims to acquire three submarines.
To gain a competitive edge, Hanwha Ocean signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with WB Group, Poland's largest private defense company, on Sept. 4, aiming at establishing a comprehensive framework for maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) of the submarines acquired under the Orka program and explore collaborative opportunities in mutually beneficial technology areas related to MRO.
Hanwha Aerospace, joining Hanwha Ocean’s promotional booth as its affiliate, is also showcasing its flagship products including the K9 self-propelled howitzer and unmanned reconnaissance scout vehicles. The company also signed an MOU with the WB Group to establish a joint venture in Poland.
Hyundai Rotem's promotional booth at this year's MSPO [HYUNDAI ROTEM]

Hyundai Rotem's promotional booth at this year's MSPO [HYUNDAI ROTEM]

Hyundai Rotem, another major defense equipment manufacturer, is displaying its flagship K2 tanks and promoting its plans to equip them with AI-driven self-driving technology at the event. Having delivered 180 units so far, the manufacturer's primary goal is to fulfill its 2022 contract with Poland to provide 1,000 K2 howitzers in total.
Kia is another prominent participant in the exhibition. The company is displaying its light tactical vehicle bare chassis, which was recently selected for Poland's military modernization program. Korea Aerospace Industries, which inked a $4 billion deal in 2022 to provide Poland with 48 FA-50 light combat aircraft, is also showcasing its flagship planes, including the KF-21 Boramae and KUH-1 Surion. The company's representatives are seeking meetings with government officials from Slovakia and Bulgaria, both of which are reportedly considering replacing their fighter jets.

BY YOON SEUNG-JIN, CHOI SEON-WOOK [yoon.seungjin@joongang.co.kr]
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