Ex-President Park apologizes for impeachment but challenges failure label

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Ex-President Park apologizes for impeachment but challenges failure label

Former President Park Geun-hye at her home in Dalseong County, Daegu, on Sept. 11. [KWON HYUK-JAE]

Former President Park Geun-hye at her home in Dalseong County, Daegu, on Sept. 11. [KWON HYUK-JAE]

Former President Park Geun-hye apologized to the public for not fulfilling the duty entrusted to her by the people due to her failure to properly manage those around her.

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She said she was surprised by the profiteering and meddling in state affairs conducted behind her back by Choi Seo-won, more commonly known by her former name Choi Soon-sil, as revealed during the prosecutors’ investigation.
Choi Seo-won, who was convicted of bribery, extortion and abuse of power among other charges, had been considered an unofficial power broker during the Park administration due to her close ties to the president.
“Nevertheless, I sincerely apologize to the people for my negligence in properly managing those around me,” Park said.
The impeached president, who had remained silent since her release from prison due to a special pardon on Dec. 31, 2021, spoke with the JoongAng Ilbo, her first media interview since her release.
Although Park stressed that she was unaware of Choi's illegal activities, she repeatedly expressed remorse, acknowledging that she was ultimately responsible for her own impeachment.
She said she would accept criticism that she had failed as a person as she did not fulfill her presidential term. However, she contested those who characterized her entire administration as a failure.
“I cannot agree with assertions that every policy implemented during my tenure was wrong,” Park said.
The former president emphasized the significant decisions that she made as president on diplomacy and national security.
These include the deployment of the U.S. Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (Thaad) system, the agreement with Japan regarding the compensation for victims of Japanese wartime sexual slavery and the signing of the General Security of Military Information Agreement (Gsomia), a military intelligence sharing treaty with Japan.
“As if I had help from heaven, I was able to complete the national security matters that I believed had to be done before I was sent to prison,” Park said.
The former president refused to answer questions regarding associates who are running in next year’s National Assembly election.
As for next year’s parliamentary election, Park said she hopes the candidates in question leave her out of it.
“I hope that past relationships pass away as past relationships,” Park said.
On President Yoon Suk Yeol, who was the lead investigator against her and later became the presidential candidate for the conservative party, the former president said she was glad that the liberals failed to extend another five-year term and that a conservative government could take office.

BY KIM JUNG-HA, YOU SEONG-UN AND SON KOOK-HEE [lee.hojeong@joongang.co.kr]
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