Korean shooters Park and Lee take bronze in mixed air rifle

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Korean shooters Park and Lee take bronze in mixed air rifle

Korea's Park Ha-jun and Lee Eun-seo take bronze in the 10 meter air rifle mixed team event at the 19th Asian Games on Monday. [NEWS1]

Korea's Park Ha-jun and Lee Eun-seo take bronze in the 10 meter air rifle mixed team event at the 19th Asian Games on Monday. [NEWS1]

Korean shooters Park Ha-jun and Lee Eun-seo took bronze in the 10 meter air rifle mixed team event on Tuesday, besting India in the bronze medal match at the 19th Asian Games on Tuesday.
The Korean duo together scored 20 points, coming from behind to out-shoot India’s Divyansh Singh Panwar and Ramita, who scored 18 points across the 16 rounds after giving up an eight-point lead.

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Park and Lee’s podium finish marked Korea’s sixth medal in shooting at this year’s Asiad, following one gold, three silver and one bronze on Monday.
Park, 23, bagged two of those silver medals, both from the men’s 10 meter air rifle contest in the team and individual categories.
Park, alongside shooters Nam Tae-yun and Kim Sang-do, placed second in the team event to win Korea’s first medal in the sport at the Games.
He then went on to compete in the men’s individual contest, also finishing second with 251.3 points, coming a hair behind China’s Sheng Lihao, who scored 253.3 points, but well ahead of India’s Aishwary Pratap Singh Tomar, with a score of 228.8.
Lee has yet to compete in the women’s 50 meter three positions rifle team and individual contests on Wednesday while Park will end his Asian Games debut with a medal in each of his three events.

BY MARY YANG [mary.yang@joongang.co.kr]
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