SK Telecom's A. chatbot to allow iPhone users to record phone calls

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SK Telecom's A. chatbot to allow iPhone users to record phone calls

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SK Telecom's digital assistant A. is expected to allow users to record, translate and summarize phone calls following an update next Tuesday. [YONHAP]

SK Telecom's digital assistant A. is expected to allow users to record, translate and summarize phone calls following an update next Tuesday. [YONHAP]

iPhone users will may be able to record their phone calls more conveniently starting Tuesday with A., SK Telecom's AI chatbot.
According to sources in the telecommunications industry, SK Telecom updated its user privacy policy on Wednesday, which included that it will be introducing a "new calling service" to the chatbot service.
iPhone, unlike other smartphones, doesn't have a built-in call recording function due to its compliance with privacy regulations in many U.S. states and other countries.
Like Apple's Siri and Samsung's Bixby, A. is SK Telecom's conversation-based digital assistant.
A., however, aims to integrate various services ranging from streaming to mobile payment, branding itself as a "super app" that can host multiple services.
The function may become available for beta service on Monday before the official launch on Tuesday.

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