Price of gimbap

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Price of gimbap

Prices for different gimbap rolls are on display outside a restaurant in Seoul on Monday. The prices for gimbap and bibimbap, two prominent items among the eight representative dining options in Korea, saw another uptick last month. The cost of gimbap rose by 1.21 percent to 3,254 won ($2.46) from the previous month, according to the Korea Consumer Agency data. [YONHAP]

Prices for different gimbap rolls are on display outside a restaurant in Seoul on Monday. The prices for gimbap and bibimbap, two prominent items among the eight representative dining options in Korea, saw another uptick last month. The cost of gimbap rose by 1.21 percent to 3,254 won ($2.46) from the previous month, according to the Korea Consumer Agency data. [YONHAP]


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