HD KSOE to build 4 very large ammonia carriers for European shipper

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HD KSOE to build 4 very large ammonia carriers for European shipper

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A rendering of a very large ammonia carrier built by HD Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering [HD KSOE]

A rendering of a very large ammonia carrier built by HD Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering [HD KSOE]

HD Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering (KSOE) inked a $432.4 million order for four very large ammonia carriers (VLAC) for a European shipper.
The vessels, set to be built at Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries' shipyard in Yeongam County, South Jeolla, are slated to begin delivery by the second half of 2027.
HD KSOE secured 61 percent of the total global orders for very large ammonia and liquefied petroleum gas carriers this year, with 23 vessels out of 38.
Global demand for ammonia carriers has been rising in recent years on growing demand for eco-friendly fuels that do not emit carbon dioxide, according to HD KSOE, a subholding company of shipbuilding, oil refining and machinery conglomerate HD Hyundai.
"Leveraging our extensive expertise in gas carrier construction and cutting-edge technology, we continue to triumph in securing contracts for ammonia carriers," an HD KSOE spokesperson said.

BY SEO JI-EUN [seo.jieun1@joongang.co.kr]
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