HD Korea Shipbuilding wins $466M order for 4 ammonia carriers

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HD Korea Shipbuilding wins $466M order for 4 ammonia carriers

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A very large ammonia carrier built by HD Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering [HD HYUNDAI]

A very large ammonia carrier built by HD Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering [HD HYUNDAI]

HD Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering won a 631.9 billion-won ($466.4 million) order to build four very large ammonia carriers (VLAC) for a European shipper.
The VLAC vessels will be built at the shipyard of Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries for delivery by July 2028, the company said in a regulatory filing Tuesday.
The company didn't identify the name of the shipper.
So far this year, HD Korea Shipbuilding has obtained orders to construct 86 vessels worth $9.86 billion, or 73 percent of its yearly target of $13.5 billion.
The ships include six liquefied natural gas carriers, 32 petrochemical carriers, 32 liquefied petroleum gas and ammonia carriers, one ethane carrier, two liquefied carbon dioxide carriers, six very large and ultra-large crude carriers, three oil tankers, two pure car and truck carriers, one floating storage regasification unit and one offshore plant.
HD Korea Shipbuilding is a subholding company of the shipbuilding, oil refining and machinery conglomerate HD Hyundai. It has three domestic units under its wing — HD Hyundai Heavy Industries, Hyundai Mipo Dockyard and Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries.

BY SEO JI-EUN, YONHAP [seo.jieun1@joongang.co.kr]
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