Flights canceled at Jeju airport due to heavy snow

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Flights canceled at Jeju airport due to heavy snow

Flights were canceled or delayed at Jeju International on Friday morning due to heavy snow that hit the island. Pictured is a parked aircraft at the airport on Friday. [YONHAP]

Flights were canceled or delayed at Jeju International on Friday morning due to heavy snow that hit the island. Pictured is a parked aircraft at the airport on Friday. [YONHAP]

Flights were canceled or delayed at Jeju International on Friday morning due to heavy snow that hit the island.
The airport said it is working on getting the lanes ready for flights. Hundreds of flights had been canceled or delayed the day before. The airport was expected to operate over 470 flights on Friday.
As of 10 a.m., Friday, 77 flights had been canceled, with six others delayed.
It snowed over 80 centimeters (31.5 inches) in the island's mountainous regions on Friday, with over 25 centimeters of snowfall in its coastal regions. A heavy snow advisory has been issued for the island.

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