Pledis Entertainment's new boy band TWS to debut with EP in January

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Pledis Entertainment's new boy band TWS to debut with EP in January

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The schedule poster for the launch of Pledis Entertainment's upcoming boy band TWS [PLEDIS ENTERTAINMENT]

The schedule poster for the launch of Pledis Entertainment's upcoming boy band TWS [PLEDIS ENTERTAINMENT]

Pledis Entertainment's new boy band TWS will debut on Jan. 22 with its first EP, "Sparkling Blue," its agency said Wednesday.
The six-member boy band TWS is Pledis Entertainment's first boy band in nine years after Seventeen. It is also the first new K-pop group to be launched under a HYBE label this year, according to the agency.
The band will prerelease one of the tracks from the debut EP, called "Oh Mymy : 7s," on Tuesday.
The band will also open a pop-up store from Jan. 18 to 31. The agency has yet to announce the location.
"Various content before and after the debut of TWS are set to be released, which are not noted on its schedule poster," Pledis Entertainment said in a press release. "So please look forward to the new group."
Detailed information about the six members has yet to be disclosed.
The band's name, TWS, is short for "Twenty-four seven with us." The band aims to create its own genre called "Boyhood pop," which captures the daily stories of boys, the agency said. 
To find out more about TWS, visit Celeb Confirmed! 

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