Hanam city gains government support on Sphere arena bid

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Hanam city gains government support on Sphere arena bid

Samsung Electronics' Galaxy advertisement displayed on the Sphere arena in Las Vegas on Jan. 9. [YONHAP]

Samsung Electronics' Galaxy advertisement displayed on the Sphere arena in Las Vegas on Jan. 9. [YONHAP]

 Hanam in Gyeonggi has taken a step closer in constructing the ‘Sphere,’ an entertainment arena. 
According to the Hanam city government, its’ mayor has secured a commitment from the Land Ministry on Monday to actively cooperate in the development of this world-class entertainment venue.  
Mayor Lee Hyun-jae conveyed concerns to Land Minister Park Sang-woo about regulatory obstacles hindering the city's progress, particularly emphasizing that 72 percent of the area is designated as a 'greenbelt,' limiting development and impacting the city's GDP.
"Hanam's per capita GRDP in 2021 was 27 million won, significantly lower than the 155 million won of Gangnam residents,” Mayor Lee said.  
In November, the central government said it will speed up the process including the feasibility study to encourage Sphere Entertainment to invest an estimated 2 trillion won in building the arena in Hanam.
"We will actively support Hanam City if it takes the necessary steps to meet all the criteria for lifting development restrictions," Land Minister Park said.
Hanam aims to start construction no later than 2025 and complete the arena project by 2029.  

BY LEE HO-JEONG [lee.hojeong@joongang.co.kr]
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