Choc horror: Female YouTuber handed chocolate with ‘visible injection mark’ in Itaewon

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Choc horror: Female YouTuber handed chocolate with ‘visible injection mark’ in Itaewon

A female Youtuber posted a short video on Monday claiming a foreigner in Itaewon gave her a chocolate with a visible injection mark. [SCREEN CAPTURE]

A female Youtuber posted a short video on Monday claiming a foreigner in Itaewon gave her a chocolate with a visible injection mark. [SCREEN CAPTURE]

A female YouTuber in Korea claims a foreigner in Seoul’s Itaewon gave her a chocolate with a visible injection mark, sparking concerns over possible drug-related crimes in the area.
The Youtuber, who goes by the channel name "Shining Gagyeong," posted a short video on Monday warning people to be careful of potential kidnappings.    
The Youtuber, who goes by the channel name Shinning Gagyeong, points out what she believes could be an injection mark in the chocolate. [SCREEN CAPTURE]

The Youtuber, who goes by the channel name Shinning Gagyeong, points out what she believes could be an injection mark in the chocolate. [SCREEN CAPTURE]

In the video, she details how a foreigner gave her some chocolate at a restaurant in Itaewon. She stated that it appears that the chocolate has a tiny injection mark.
She then cut the chocolate in half to check inside and found an area of discoloration near where the “needle mark” was located.
There have been an increasing number of warnings voiced on social media alerting people to be cautious about alcohol or food handed out by strangers, especially at clubs in Itaewon.
Korea Customs stated there has been a surge in so-called cases of “Pongdang Drugs,” a criminal method designed to get people addicted to drugs, resulting in lead-on crimes being committed against them.

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