Sinkhole opens up in Incheon partially swallowing cargo truck

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Sinkhole opens up in Incheon partially swallowing cargo truck

A 25-ton truck lies in the sinkhole that opened up in Incheon on Friday. [INCHEON FIRE SERVICES]

A 25-ton truck lies in the sinkhole that opened up in Incheon on Friday. [INCHEON FIRE SERVICES]

The sinkhole emerged in Incheon, swallowing the rear wheels of a 25-ton cargo truck on Friday.  
According to the fire authorities on Friday, a sinkhole measuring three meters (9.84 feet) wide and one meter in length opened up on a road in Bupyeong-dong, Incheon, at around 1:09 p.m. the same day.
A 25-ton truck lies in the sinkhole that opened up in Incheon on Friday. [INCHEON FIRE SERVICES]

A 25-ton truck lies in the sinkhole that opened up in Incheon on Friday. [INCHEON FIRE SERVICES]

There were no casualties from the accident, but the surrounding area now has restricted entry.
"When we arrived at the scene, three of the rear wheels had fallen into the sinkhole, causing the truck to tilt,” said an official from the fire department. “We installed supports to ensure safety."  
Police are investigating the cause of the accident based on the driver's statement that "a sinkhole occurred while driving."
A 25-ton truck lies in the sinkhole that opened up in Incheon on Friday. [INCHEON FIRE SERVICES]

A 25-ton truck lies in the sinkhole that opened up in Incheon on Friday. [INCHEON FIRE SERVICES]

A 25-ton truck lies in the sinkhole that opened up in Incheon on Friday. [INCHEON FIRE SERVICES]

A 25-ton truck lies in the sinkhole that opened up in Incheon on Friday. [INCHEON FIRE SERVICES]

A 25-ton truck lies in the sinkhole that opened up in Incheon on Friday. [INCHEON FIRE SERVICES]

A 25-ton truck lies in the sinkhole that opened up in Incheon on Friday. [INCHEON FIRE SERVICES]

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