Man who killed female online streamer sentenced to 25 years in prison

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Man who killed female online streamer sentenced to 25 years in prison

Seoul Western District Court [YONHAP]

Seoul Western District Court [YONHAP]

A 44-year-old man charged with murdering a female streamer in her 20s at a studio apartment has been sentenced 25 years in prison on Friday.
The Seoul Western District Court sentenced the man, surnamed Kim, to 25 years and ordered the attachment of an electronic tracker for 15 years for charges including murder.  

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Kim was put on trial for strangling the victim to death and stealing cash and other items from a studio apartment in Eunpyeong District, northern Seoul, on March 11.  
The streamer was found to have received about 12 million won ($9,000) in donations from Kim, and it was reported that the two had met about six times since early March.
Immediately after the incident, Kim reportedly attempted to destroy evidence by going back to the victim’s residence three times, pouring water over the body and discarding the victim's belongings in various locations in Seoul to make it appear as if a robbery had occurred.
Before sentencing, Kim claimed to have had sexual relations with the victim, trying to make the case that the murder was accidental.  
He further stated that he “wrapped” his hands around the victim’s neck, but it was for the mutual pleasure of both parties without the intent to kill. He also stated that he attempted CPR after realizing the victim’s heart had stopped.  
Kim also denied the charges of evidence destruction, saying that he was scared of incarceration. He also stated he poured water on the body to wash off cigarette ashes that had fallen on the victim’s body.  
The court responded to Kim's explanation by pointed out that the defendant’s DNA was not found on the victim. The court stated that it suspected the defendant might have strangled the victim with the intent to kill during a dispute regarding taking the victim's property or recovering the money initially given as a gift. 
Regarding this, however, the court stated, "In accordance with the principle of nemo judex sine actore, we judged the case based on the facts at hand."
Nemo judex sine actore means that the court does not rule on matters that the prosecution has not included. Although there are aspects suggesting that the murder may have been intentional, as this was not included in the indictment, the court did not delve further into the matter.
"Even if we consider that it cannot be conclusively determined that the murder was intentional, severe punishment is unavoidable," ruled the court. "The defendant has a past conviction for a similar murder method and two previous convictions for violent crimes. Yet, instead of restraining himself, he took the victim’s life with this crime."
Additionally, the court sentenced Kim's ex-wife, surnamed Song, to six months in prison with a one-year probation for helping Kim evade capture.

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