European ambassadors, Foreign Ministry celebrate EU Day in Seoul

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European ambassadors, Foreign Ministry celebrate EU Day in Seoul

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European Union (EU) Ambassador to Korea Maria Castillo Fernandez, center left, Kim Hee-sang, director-general for bilateral economic affairs at the Korean Foreign Ministry, center right, and diplomats from European countries toast during the EU Day event held at the Four Seasons Hotel in central Seoul on Thursday. EU Day is a celebration of "peace and unity in Europe" hosted by the Council of Europe, with events held around the world. [EUROPEAN UNION SECRETARIAT]

European Union (EU) Ambassador to Korea Maria Castillo Fernandez, center left, Kim Hee-sang, director-general for bilateral economic affairs at the Korean Foreign Ministry, center right, and diplomats from European countries toast during the EU Day event held at the Four Seasons Hotel in central Seoul on Thursday. EU Day is a celebration of "peace and unity in Europe" hosted by the Council of Europe, with events held around the world. [EUROPEAN UNION SECRETARIAT]

European Union (EU) Ambassador to Korea Maria Castillo Fernandez, center left, Kim Hee-sang, director-general for bilateral economic affairs at the Korean Foreign Ministry, center right, and diplomats from European countries celebrated the EU Day event held at the Four Seasons Hotel in central Seoul on Thursday. 
EU Day is a celebration of "peace and unity in Europe" hosted by the Council of Europe, with events held around the world. 

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