Chief prosecutor says investigations will continue despite shakeup

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Chief prosecutor says investigations will continue despite shakeup

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Prosecutor General Lee One-seok answers reporters' questions on allegations surrounding first lady Kim Keon Hee's luxury bag scandal and recent prosecutorial appointments on his arrival to the Supreme Prosecutors' Office in Seocho District, southern Seoul, on Tuesday. [NEWS1]

Prosecutor General Lee One-seok answers reporters' questions on allegations surrounding first lady Kim Keon Hee's luxury bag scandal and recent prosecutorial appointments on his arrival to the Supreme Prosecutors' Office in Seocho District, southern Seoul, on Tuesday. [NEWS1]

Prosecutor General Lee One-seok on Tuesday said investigations will "adhere to established principles" regardless of who is appointed, addressing the sweeping changes in the prosecution leadership overseeing investigations into allegations involving first lady Kim Keon Hee.

The prosecutor general's remarks come one day after the Ministry of Justice announced the promotions and transfers of 39 senior prosecutors who have been leading investigations into the first lady's acceptance of a Dior handbag from a pastor in 2022 and alleged involvement in manipulating stock prices of Deutsch Motors from 2009-12.

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However, when pressed about whether the ministry coordinated with him before the shakeup, Lee remained silent for seven seconds and opted not to comment further.

The overhaul included replacing Song Kyung-ho, chief of the Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office, who led investigations into the allegations concerning the first lady and his team of four deputy prosecutors.
Most of the key staff at the Supreme Prosecutors' Office, who hold pivotal roles akin to the Prosecutor General's aides, were also replaced.
These changes came just eleven days after the request to form a dedicated investigative team to investigate the allegations surrounding Kim's luxury bag scandal.
Song was reassigned to the Busan High Prosecutors' Office. Despite the apparent promotion to high prosecutor, insiders suggest this move is a demotion, excluding him from directing investigations.
Taking over as the new chief prosecutor of the Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office is Lee Chang-soo, chief of the Jeonju Prosecutors Office. Lee is said to be close to President Yoon, having previously served as the spokesperson for the Supreme Prosecutors' Office during Yoon's tenure as Prosecutor General.
In response to reporters' queries regarding potential conflicts with the Presidential Office, unforeseen dimensions or the timing of the appointments, Prosecutor General Lee declined to comment further. He also stated that he was unaware of subsequent appointments following the prosecutor reshuffle.
The majority rival Democratic Party (DP) criticized the recent prosecution reshuffle, alleging they are intended to impede the investigation into the first lady. 
DP floor leader Park Chan-dae called the appointments a "signal to tighten control over the prosecution" and protect first lady Kim in a party floor meeting Tuesday.
He also highlighted the background of some appointees, suggesting potential biases in their appointments.
"Lee, the former chief prosecutor of Jeonju, is a representative pro-Yoon figure who was at the forefront of suppressing the rival party […] and overseeing the investigation into DP leader Lee Jae-myung's alleged acceptance of bribes in the form of sponsorships for Seongnam FC," Park said. He also criticized the appointment of Kim Jong-cheol as the head of the Military Manpower Administration, citing his alleged involvement in excessively silencing protestors during events attended by the president.
Park further criticized the release of the president's mother-in-law, Choi Eun-soon, on Tuesday after serving a prison term for forgery.
"This, along with other recent events, is evidence that the president's approach remains unchanged," he argued.
DP lawmaker-elect Park Jie-won condemned the prosecutor appointments as "bulletproof appointments aiming to undermine the investigation into Kim."
"Even after confirming public sentiment in the general election after his distorted affection for his spouse, the president tarnishes the prosecution and angers the people once again all due to his distorted affection," he wrote in a Facebook post Tuesday.
The presidential office has refrained from making any official statement on the matter.

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