CIO chief nominee promises to ensure 'political neutrality, independence'

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CIO chief nominee promises to ensure 'political neutrality, independence'

Oh Dong-woon, a former judge nominated as the chief of the Corruption Investigation Office for High-ranking Officials, takes an oath at the start of his confirmation hearing at the National Assembly in western Seoul on Friday. [YONHAP]

Oh Dong-woon, a former judge nominated as the chief of the Corruption Investigation Office for High-ranking Officials, takes an oath at the start of his confirmation hearing at the National Assembly in western Seoul on Friday. [YONHAP]

President Yoon Suk Yeol's choice for the new chief of the Corruption Investigation Office for High-ranking Officials (CIO) said Friday he will work to ensure "political neutrality and independence" to earn public trust.
Oh Dong-woon, a former judge at the Seoul High Court, made the remarks at a parliamentary confirmation hearing on his nomination, saying he will aim to "protect the prosecutors at CIO from external pressure so they can perform their duties solely based on the law and principles."
"We will put our utmost efforts to protect the political neutrality and independence of the CIO and eradicate corruption among high-ranking officials in strict accordance with the law and principles and ensure transparency and public trust in government officials," he said.
During the one-day hearing, Oh is likely to express his views on the CIO's probe into an alleged influence-peddling case related to the death of a young Marine, Cpl. Chae Su-geun, during a search mission for downpour victims last year.
Oh's confirmation hearing comes four months after the inaugural CIO chief, Kim Jin-wook, retired following a three-year term. The CIO was created in 2021 to uproot corruption among high-ranking officials.
Oh served as a judge from 2002 to 2017.
Oh's confirmation hearing is widely seen as a formality because his formal appointment does not require the endorsement of the National Assembly.
In Korea, the prime minister is the only Cabinet post that requires parliamentary approval.

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