Incheon gives bottle-throwing fans choice between community service or lifetime ban

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Incheon gives bottle-throwing fans choice between community service or lifetime ban

Incheon United [SCREEN CAPTURE]

Incheon United [SCREEN CAPTURE]

Incheon United has ordered the 124 fans that turned themselves in for throwing water bottles after a K League 1 match against FC Seoul on May 11 to complete 100 hours of community service set by the club or face a lifetime ban from Incheon Football Stadium. 

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The decision came after Incheon held a disciplinary meeting on Wednesday.
The 124 fans, all of whom voluntarily turned themselves in, were immediately banned from attending any Incheon home game, but the club says the ban can be lifted if fans complete 100 hours of community service.
The offered community service includes cleaning the areas outside Incheon Football Stadium and checking spectators’ belongings before games.  
The incident on May 11 happened after the final whistle when spectators began throwing water bottles onto the pitch following an interaction between FC Seoul goalkeeper Baek Jong-bum and fans. Other players, including those from Incheon, walked over and confronted spectators, but they continued throwing water bottles.
FC Seoul and Incheon United react to spectators who threw water bottles on the pitch after a K League 1 match at Incheon Football Stadium in Incheon on May 11. [YONHAP]

FC Seoul and Incheon United react to spectators who threw water bottles on the pitch after a K League 1 match at Incheon Football Stadium in Incheon on May 11. [YONHAP]

Incheon said through a statement on May 13 that it will not take legal action against those involved if they voluntarily turn themselves in before May 19, although it will still hand down its own punishment. 
A total of 124 fans did turn themselves in, 19 more people than the 105 water bottles that Incheon United officials found on the pitch after the game.
The club has not explained why they have more guilty fans that there were water bottles.  
The club, which was fined 20 million won ($14,800) and ordered to shut down its supporters’ zone at the stadium for five home games by the K League on May 16, has asked the guilty fans to donate money to help cover the fine.
Should the donations — the club cannot legally force fans to pay up — fall short of the total fine, Incheon United CEO Jeon Dal-soo will pay the rest out of his own pocket. 
Incheon has also been forced to close its supporters’ zone for six home games — five league matches and one Korea Cup game. Incheon said Thursday that it will close the zone for one Korea Cup game at home, presumably the match against Gimcheon Sangmu on June 19 in Incheon.
An Incheon official also told the Korea JoongAng Daily on Thursday that the club will revoke the season tickets owned by those who have been banned, rather than giving them a refund.

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