Lotte Foundation awards over $17,000 in scholarships to Malaysian students

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Lotte Foundation awards over $17,000 in scholarships to Malaysian students

The Lotte Foundation holds a scholarship awards ceremony at Kebangsaan Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on Thursday. [YONHAP]

The Lotte Foundation holds a scholarship awards ceremony at Kebangsaan Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on Thursday. [YONHAP]

The Lotte Foundation announced Friday it awarded scholarships to 26 Malaysian university students.  
A scholarship totaling 23.5 million won ($17,160) was awarded to 26 students attending four Malaysian universities: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Politeknik lbrahim Sultan, Politeknik Tun Syed Nasir and Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia.
Scholarship recipients were selected based on the recommendations of the four designated universities.
"We hope the Lotte Shin Kyuk-ho Global Scholarship helps students pursue their goals," said Jang Hye-sun, chair of the foundation. "We will also do our best to support the students' futures."
The foundation has been offering the scholarship to Malaysian students since 2013, giving 364 million won in total funding to around 330 students.
The foundation also awarded funding of 100 million won to King Sejong Institute Tashkent 1 on Tuesday.  
The institute will be using the money in scholarships for international students and Koryoin, or ethnic Koreans living in Central Asia, studying Korean at the institution. The funds will also be used to repair the institute's facilities and to purchase educational materials.  

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