Scholarship students celebrate achievements at Daesang Foundation awards

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Scholarship students celebrate achievements at Daesang Foundation awards

Students selected for Daesang Foundation's scholarships pose for a photo at the scholarship award ceremony on Wednesday. [DAESANG]

Students selected for Daesang Foundation's scholarships pose for a photo at the scholarship award ceremony on Wednesday. [DAESANG]

The Daesang Foundation held a scholarship awards ceremony for students selected in its various scholarship programs, including 15 students from Southeast Asia.
The foundation announced Thursday it selected 270 scholarship recipients for this year, with 15 of them being graduate school students from Southeast Asia. 
A scholarship awards ceremony was held Wednesday to celebrate the students' achievements at the Kim Koo Museum & Library in Yongsan District, central Seoul.
The foundation offers various scholarships to graduate school students, middle and high school students and children of multicultural families. 
For international students, it offers the Daesang-Asia Scholarship. The scholarship offers full tuition, monthly living expenses of 1 million won ($730) and a one-way airfare to Korea.
To be eligible for the scholarship, students need to be of Southeast Asian nationality and be enrolled at a graduate school. 
"The scholarships are part of our educational support program, which has been in place for 54 years," said Lim Chang-wook, chairman of Daesang Foundation. "We plan to offer more support to allow more students to pursue their dreams."

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