Hanshin University begins re-enrollment of Uzbekistan students forced to leave Korea last year

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Hanshin University begins re-enrollment of Uzbekistan students forced to leave Korea last year

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Eight Uzbekistan students that re-enrolled at Hanshin University pose for a photo with university officials during a welcoming ceremony held Monday. [HANSHIN UNIVERSITY]

Eight Uzbekistan students that re-enrolled at Hanshin University pose for a photo with university officials during a welcoming ceremony held Monday. [HANSHIN UNIVERSITY]

Hanshin University announced Friday that eight out of the 22 Uzbekistan students who had to leave Korea last year were re-enrolled in its language school.  
The eight students met with the university's vice president and heads of offices such as the Planning Office, Office of Admissions and Office of International Affairs for a welcoming ceremony on Monday.
"We would like to congratulate and welcome students on being able to meet at campus again," said Lee In-jae, vice president of the university. "We hope the students study hard and try their best, and we hope there will be opportunities to see the students in our undergraduate program as well."
The returns follow Hanshin University forcing 23 Uzbekistan students at its Korean Language Institute to leave Korea in November last year. The university stated that the students had to leave because they failed to meet the minimum savings account requirements to maintain student visas or faced dismissal due to academic penalties or criminal charges. One student stayed in Korea due to health issues, with the remaining 22 students leaving the country.
In an official statement released by the university's president in December last year, the president said that the university took such action to "create opportunities for the students to re-enter the country in the future."
According to the university, 15 out of the 22 students will be returning to its language school. Another seven students will be returning on July 2.
"We are well adapting to the university," said Tursunov Javokhir Bakhromjon Ugli, one of the students that came back. "We hope other students can also come back soon."

BY LEE TAE-HEE [lee.taehee2@joongang.co.kr]
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