Foreign student busted for nude bike ride found dead

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Foreign student busted for nude bike ride found dead

An image of Korean National Police Agency. [SCREEN CAPUTRE]

An image of Korean National Police Agency. [SCREEN CAPUTRE]

An international student studying in Korea who was recently arrested for riding a bike while naked was found dead on Thursday.  
The body of the student, a 23-year-old from an African country, was discovered near a university dormitory in Buk District, Gwangju, at 5:45 p.m. on Thursday, police and emergency services reported on Friday.
The student had been reported to the police by fellow students on Wednesday for cycling nude on the school campus and was under investigation.
He told the authorities that his behavior was due to immense stress from his studies. The student was receiving treatment for depression.
Police closed the case into his nude cycling after his death.
If you or someone you know is feeling emotionally distressed or struggling with thoughts of suicide, LifeLine Korea can be contacted at 1588-9191 or the Crisis Counseling Center at 1577-0199. The Seoul Global Center offers English-language counseling, contact 02-2075-4180 (+1) to arrange a session. Other international helplines can be found at 

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