Incheon Airport to increase security for upcoming Korea-Africa Summit

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Incheon Airport to increase security for upcoming Korea-Africa Summit

An overview of Incheon International Airport Terminal 1's departure hall [INCHEON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT CORPORATION]

An overview of Incheon International Airport Terminal 1's departure hall [INCHEON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT CORPORATION]

Incheon International Airport will tighten security measures from June 1 to 6 in anticipation of the upcoming Korea-Africa Summit. 
The summit, scheduled for June 4 to 5, will bring various heads of state to Korea.

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The Incheon International Airport Corporation announced Thursday that the aviation security level at Incheon Airport, Korea's largest gateway, will be elevated to "caution," the third of a five-tier system. The heightened security may result in extended boarding times.
Passengers can expect more thorough baggage inspections and body searches, such as opening checked baggage and conducting pat-downs. High-heeled shoes 3.5 centimeters (1.38 inches) or higher will need to be removed during security checks.
To facilitate the smooth transportation of summit delegations and prevent congestion, the airport railroad connecting Seoul Station and Incheon International Airport will run temporary trains from June 4 to June 5.
The temporary trains will depart from Incheon Airport Terminal 2 at 9:57 a.m. and from Seoul Station at 11:16 a.m. The existing train schedule will remain unchanged, with only two additional temporary services. These trains will operate as regular services, stopping at all stations on the airport railroad line.
The 2024 Korea-Africa Summit, set to be the largest international event hosted by the Yoon Suk Yeol administration, marks the first multilateral summit between South Korea and African countries. The event will take place in Seoul and Goyang, Gyeonggi.

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