National Assembly's Climate Clock keeps counting down the days

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National Assembly's Climate Clock keeps counting down the days

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A passerby looks at a digital clock dubbed the Climate Clock installed in front of the National Assembly in Yeouido, western Seoul, on Tuesday, a day before World Environment Day. The clock shows that five years and 48 days are left until the Earth’s average temperature rises by 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) compared to the pre-industrialized era or before the 20th century. [NEWS1]

A passerby looks at a digital clock dubbed the Climate Clock installed in front of the National Assembly in Yeouido, western Seoul, on Tuesday, a day before World Environment Day. The clock shows that five years and 48 days are left until the Earth’s average temperature rises by 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) compared to the pre-industrialized era or before the 20th century. [NEWS1]

A passerby looks at a digital clock dubbed the Climate Clock installed in front of the National Assembly in Yeouido, western Seoul, on Tuesday, a day before World Environment Day.
The clock shows that five years and 48 days are left until the Earth’s average temperature rises by 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) compared to the pre-industrialized era or before the 20th century.  
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