Late summer broil continues with heat wave alerts issued nationwide

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Late summer broil continues with heat wave alerts issued nationwide

A child runs around in a fountain in Gwanghwamun Plaza in Jongno District, central Seoul, on Aug. 5 to beat the extreme heat that continued to bake the country. [NEWS1]

A child runs around in a fountain in Gwanghwamun Plaza in Jongno District, central Seoul, on Aug. 5 to beat the extreme heat that continued to bake the country. [NEWS1]

The late summer heat shows no signs of abating with temperatures in most regions of Korea expected to hit 33 degrees Celsius (91.4 degrees Fahrenheit) on Monday and heat wave alerts issued across 80 percent of the country, including Seoul. 
The Korea Meteorological Administration forecasts that temperatures will continue to exceed the seasonal average into next week, which includes the Chuseok holidays. The daytime high temperatures in major regions are expected to hover around 30 degrees Celsius on Sept. 17.  

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As of 10 a.m. Monday, heat wave alerts had been issued in 148 locations, including regions within the capital area, the Chungcheong provinces and Jeju.  
Heat wave warnings were issued in Gokseong and Gurye of South Jeolla and Uiryeong and Jinju of South Gyeongsang as of Monday.
Heat wave warnings are issued when the high heat index is expected to reach 35 degrees Celsius or more for over two consecutive days.
Heat wave advisories were issued for 16 locations across Gyeonggi, including Yongin and Goyang, since last Wednesday.
Heat wave advisories are issued when the highest perceived temperature is projected to be 33 degrees Celsius or higher for more than two days.

Temperatures peaked in Seoul on Monday at 34.1 degrees, the hottest September heat in 89 years. Anseong in Gyeonggi peaked at 36.1 degrees, and Daejeon, Jeonju and Daegu peaked at over 33 degrees. 
The perceived temperature is expected to rise to 33 degrees, except in the East Sea area, where high atmospheric pressure moving east from the north will bring cooler conditions.  
The East Sea area will also reach 33 degrees Celsius on Tuesday, with high atmospheric pressure from Tibet occupying the upper atmosphere. The pressure will develop at ground level as well. 
The high atmospheric pressure from Tibet is blocking cold air from the north, and under its influence, the weather remains mostly clear with strong sunlight, preventing temperatures from dropping.
The warm surrounding seas of the Korean Peninsula also contribute to the heat wave. Sea surface temperatures typically peak in September, and this year, the waters around the peninsula are warmer than usual.

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