Huons’ Dexcom G7 wins praise for accuracy and convenience

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Huons’ Dexcom G7 wins praise for accuracy and convenience

Huons’ Dexcom G7 is a next-generation continuous glucose monitoring device that can be synced with other devices. [HUONS]

Huons’ Dexcom G7 is a next-generation continuous glucose monitoring device that can be synced with other devices. [HUONS]

The Dexcom G7, a next-generation real-time continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) device launched by Huons in February, is receiving positive reviews from both diabetes patients and medical experts.
The Dexcom G7 features an integrated sensor and transmitter, reducing its size by 60 percent compared to previous models. Its startup time has also been shortened to 30 minutes.
Its accuracy, as measured by the mean absolute relative difference (MARD), has seen significant enhancements, allowing for precise monitoring of blood glucose levels.
According to a survey conducted by Huons among medical professionals during the Korean Diabetes Association’s Spring Symposium held from May 2 to 4, responses showed that improved accuracy was the most important factor for the prescription of the Dexcom G7.
The device provides real-time blood glucose monitoring, transmitting data to synced devices such as smartphones and smartwatches, freeing users from the need to prick their fingers for blood sampling.
Customizable alert features warn users of sudden blood glucose fluctuations, providing alerts for both high and low blood sugar levels.
When a severe blood sugar drop, such as 55 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL), is predicted, the device sounds a preemptive warning, enabling patients to address the situation effectively.
In addition, blood glucose levels are automatically measured, allowing for glucose monitoring even in situations where self-monitoring is not possible.
Users can also share real-time data with up to 10 family members or caregivers, further enhancing convenience.
Huons has been actively engaged in various support activities to assist diabetes patients.
Since last year, the company has provided free Dexcom G6 transmitters for diabetes patients.
It also donated 6,000 CGM devices to the Korean Society of Type 1 Diabetes as part of their ongoing commitment, following the incident in Taean, Chungcheongnam-do, where several family members, including a child with type 1 diabetes, passed away after facing difficulties with treatment costs.
The company has taken steps to alleviate the burden of purchasing diabetes management devices for patients and expand their accessibility.
It launched the nation's first electric smart insulin pen, DIA:CONN P8, and implemented price reductions in line with government policies.
Dexcom's sales have surged by over 80 percent compared to the same period last year due to these efforts.
A Huons representative stated, “With the launch of Dexcom G7 and the government's new health insurance policies, we expect that diabetes management for patients will become even more convenient and economical. We are committed to reducing the burden on diabetes patients and enabling them to manage their blood glucose levels conveniently and efficiently in their daily lives.”

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