Hyundai Mobis expands its environmental activities with employees

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Hyundai Mobis expands its environmental activities with employees

Employees participate in Hyundai Mobis’s cultural heritage preservation activity. [HYUNDAI MOBIS]

Employees participate in Hyundai Mobis’s cultural heritage preservation activity. [HYUNDAI MOBIS]

Hyundai Mobis has extended its environmental activities with employees to target climate change and preserve natural habitats.
Its social contribution programs include environmental cleanups, ecological forest field trips and cultural heritage preservation activities.
In April, approximately 30 employees undertook a tree-planting program on the banks of the Miho River in Jincheon, Chungcheongbuk Province, resulting in the planting of 70 giant pussy willow trees.
It is expected that the plantings will provide habitats and shelters for various organisms and function as the backdrop for the formation of ecological connections.
The employees also participated in an ecology field trip at Jincheon’s Meerforest, an environment which the company has developed over the past decade.
In August last year, Hyundai Mobis agreed on the collaborative development of a biodiverse ecosystem in the Jincheon Miho River area with Jincheon County and the Environmental Conservation Organization Hangang.
The organizations agreed to combine their efforts to restore the miho spined loach, an endangered freshwater fish species, while fostering wetlands and promoting environmental maintenance for the mid- to long-term.
The company has created the one million square meter (10.7 million square feet) Meerforest in Jincheon County to fulfill its social contribution responsibilities since 2012 and continues its efforts toward the preservation and restoration of the ecosystem with the local community.
Cultural heritage monitoring activities, where employees can participate with their families or close acquaintances, are also gaining popularity.
Participants visit major cultural heritage sites and preserve them by oiling wood, and cleaning the interiors and exteriors of the structures.
The activities take place at locations such as Sungkyunkwan and Suwon Hyanggyo.
A total of 22 families, approximately 70 individuals, joined the activity at Sungkyunkwan in April.
Participation is voluntary, and registration in family units is steadily rising. This is the first year that the company has begun the cultural heritage preservation activity as part of its social contribution program.  
The company plans to initiate this event regularly by recruiting between 60 to 100 participants for each event and scheduling six activities this year.
Hyundai Mobis promotes environmental management through communication, engaging not only with its employees but also with various stakeholders.
The company has also integrated environmental initiatives in other areas, such as renewable energy conversion, smart factory operations, waste reduction and the development of eco-friendly materials.

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