HD Hyundai's unmanned construction equipment concept wins honors at 2024 Red Dot Design Award

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HD Hyundai's unmanned construction equipment concept wins honors at 2024 Red Dot Design Award

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A concept image of HD Hyundai XiteSolution’s Future-X, unmanned construction equipment, which won the Best of the Best Award from the Red Dot Design Award [HD HYUNDAI]

A concept image of HD Hyundai XiteSolution’s Future-X, unmanned construction equipment, which won the Best of the Best Award from the Red Dot Design Award [HD HYUNDAI]

HD Hyundai's unmanned technology concepts won design awards at the 2024 Red Dot Design Award, the company said Thursday.
According to HD Hyundai, its subsidiary HD Hyundai XiteSolution’s Future-X, an unmanned construction equipment concept, won the Best of the Best Award from the Red Dot Design Award: Design Concept.
Avikus, HD Hyundai's autonomous navigation subsidiary, was also named the winner in the same category for its NeuBoat concept.
HD Hyundai first introduced Future-X during CES 2024 in January. It is designed as next-generation unmanned, autonomous construction equipment with enhanced safety, productivity and sustainability under the company’s vision, “Xite Transformation.”
Depending on the situation, the cabin-less Future-X can be adapted as an excavator, wheel loader or articulated dump truck.
The Future-X concept has also been nominated for the Red Dot: Luminary Award, the highest recognition at the Red Dot Award: Design Concept. The winner will be announced in October.
The Xite Transformation initiative aims to revolutionize smart construction sites by integrating technologies such as automation, digital twinning, environmentally friendly solutions, electrification and other advanced construction equipment technologies.
Avikus’s NeuBoat is a Level 2 autonomous navigation system for recreational boats designed to minimize pilot errors. In specific situations, a Level 2 autonomous navigation system can take control of steering.
"The latest achievement is a recognition for not only the product's aesthetic value but also our efforts to bring the group's vision into reality,” said HD Hyundai spokesperson in a release. "We will do our best in technological assessment to successfully adopt the awarded designs into actual products.”

BY SHIN HA-NEE [shin.hanee@joongang.co.kr]
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