Kepco to jointly develop power transmission network in Indonesia

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Kepco to jointly develop power transmission network in Indonesia

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Representatives of PLN, Kepco and Siemens Energy Indonesia pose for a photo after signing an agreement for the collaboration of electric power transmission network in Indonesia on Monday. [KEPCO]

Representatives of PLN, Kepco and Siemens Energy Indonesia pose for a photo after signing an agreement for the collaboration of electric power transmission network in Indonesia on Monday. [KEPCO]

Korea Electric Power Corporation (Kepco) will participate in a large-scale electric power transmission network project in Indonesia through multiple preliminary agreements announced Monday.  
The state-run electricity supplier signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Indonesian power supplier PLN and Siemens Energy to jointly develop a high voltage direct current system to connect Java and Sumatra.
Local media outlets estimated the deal to be 41 trillion won ($30 billion), but a Kepco spokesperson said that the estimate was inflated and inaccurate without further elaborating.  
Kepco also introduced its intelligent power management system and automatic reading system at the ceremony, hoping that the technologies will be used in the possible transmission project.
In a separate event on June 9, the Korean utility provider struck an MOU with Indonesia’s Barito Group to cooperate on the development of a project using their ammonia co-firing technology.  
Kepco CEO Kim Dong-cheol said that the southeast Asian country poses a promising business opportunity to the corporation as it initiates multiple large-scale energy projects aimed at reducing carbon emission.  
Indonesia has the goal of achieving net zero in carbon emission by 2060.
“Kepco will actively cooperate with Indonesia as a partner to attain the net zero objective,” Kim said in a statement. “Through the MOU, Kepco will strengthen its basis for overseas expansion in the field of renewable energy.” 

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