Mercedes-Benz opens Korea's largest off-road SUV course

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Mercedes-Benz opens Korea's largest off-road SUV course

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Mercedes-Benz Korea opened its SUV Experience Center, the country's largest off-road course dedicated to SUV models, in Yongin, Gyeonggi, on Sunday.
The center sits on a 26,000 square-meter (279,862 square-foot) site near the AMG Speedway track and is the first of its kind in Korea, the company said. It is surrounded by forests, trees, slopes and other authentic features, it added. 

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The center consists of an SUV course and a G-Class-only course. The SUV course features uphill and downhill driving on three different types of roads and angled slopes, as well as various types of rock, sand and gravel. 


The G-Class-only course makes the most of the natural terrain, including driving in a forest, for a more dynamic and authentic mountain driving experience. Participants can also test out a car's fording capability by driving through a water pool 80 centimeters (30 inches) deep.


The off-road center is Mercedes' second car experience space built through a partnership with Samsung Construction & Trading after the AMG Speedway in 2018, the world's first AMG-branded track.
“The Mercedes-Benz SUV Experience Center is part of an effort to repay the support of Korean customers who love Mercedes-Benz and is an investment derived from the willingness to increase various and professional vehicle experience spaces in Korea," said Mercedes-Benz Korea CEO Mathias Vaitl. 

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