Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen, Audi to disclose EV battery data amid fire concerns

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Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen, Audi to disclose EV battery data amid fire concerns

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A rendered image of Hyundai Motor's battery management system installed in its EVs. [HYUNDAI MOTOR]

A rendered image of Hyundai Motor's battery management system installed in its EVs. [HYUNDAI MOTOR]

Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen and Audi have decided to provide information about the battery management system (BMS) of their EVs to the government, amid ongoing public concerns over EV fires following a Mercedes car explosion in early August.
This initiative follows similar actions by local brands Hyundai Motor and Kia, as well as foreign brands BMW and Tesla, which have already been supplying related data to the local transport safety authority.

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According to a report from the Korea Transportation Safety Authority (KTSA) submitted to lawmaker Ahn Tae-joon of the Democratic Party, a total of six auto brands have joined the disclosure efforts since the Mercedes incident.
Mercedes, Volkswagen and Audi are expected to begin providing this information in December, while Volvo will start next month. KG Mobility began sharing data last month, and Porsche will do so in October.  
The BMS, often referred to as the "brain" of the battery pack, monitors the condition of EV batteries — such as temperature and voltage deviations — and controls key parameters. It is considered a critical method for preventing EV fires.
Until now, this information has been treated confidentially to protect against leaks of critical technology in EVs.
Owners of brands that share information with the local authority will be able to receive battery checkups at state-run centers.
Hyundai Motor and Kia have been providing BMS data since June 2022, followed by Renault Korea in July and BMW in June 2023.
A Mercedes EQE sedan caught fire in an underground parking lot in Incheon on Aug. 1, damaging up to 880 vehicles and causing weeklong electricity and water supply outages for approximately 1,600 households.

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