100 bomb threats nationwide prompt police search at Pusan National University, hospital

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100 bomb threats nationwide prompt police search at Pusan National University, hospital

Police conduct a search at Pusan National University following a terror threat on Friday morning. [YONHAP]

Police conduct a search at Pusan National University following a terror threat on Friday morning. [YONHAP]

Police are conducting searches at Pusan National University and Pusan National University Hospital on Friday following a bomb threat against around 100 public institutions nationwide.
At 9:34 a.m. on Friday, a worker at the lost and found center at Incheon International Airport reported receiving an email titled "Explosives inside of the buildings," written in English, stating that explosives had been planted on the grounds of the buildings, according to Busan police.
The email was also sent to over 100 other public institutions, including Pusan National University and Pusan National University Hospital in the port city.
Police have deployed special forces and squads to scour the premises for any sign of a threat.
"Police, fire authorities and staffers from each institution have divided into groups and are conducting searches," a police official said.
The official noted that the search at Pusan National University is ongoing due to its extensive campus containing some 50 buildings.
Incheon International Airport and Ulsan University Hospital, which were also subject to the emailed threat, were inspected following the terror alert, but no hazardous materials were found.
Since the report was filed in Incheon, the Incheon Metropolitan Police will lead the investigation into the sender of the email.
The Incheon metropolitan cyber police believe the threat is most likely false and are tracking the sender through their IP address.
Emails containing similar threats were sent to India in January and May.
"We plan to request international cooperation as we have acknowledged that the email was sent through Google's Gmail," an official said.

BY LEE JI-YOUNG, WOO JI-WON [woo.jiwon@joongang.co.kr]
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