Doctors in the street

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Doctors in the street

Medical professors, junior doctors, medical students and private practitioners participate in an outdoor rally in Yeouido, western Seoul, on Tuesday, demanding that the government amend its medical policy packages. Over 12,000 health care professionals joined the protest, according to the police. [YONHAP]

Medical professors, junior doctors, medical students and private practitioners participate in an outdoor rally in Yeouido, western Seoul, on Tuesday, demanding that the government amend its medical policy packages. Over 12,000 health care professionals joined the protest, according to the police. [YONHAP]

Medical professors, junior doctors, medical students and private practitioners participate in an outdoor rally in Yeouido, western Seoul on Tuesday, demanding that the government amend its medical policy packages. 
Over 12,000 health care professionals joined the protest, according to the police.  
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