Blue crab hatchlings released to replenish numbers

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Blue crab hatchlings released to replenish numbers

Employees from Incheon's Fisheries Resource Development Research Institute release around 1.4 million blue crab hatchlings into the Eurwang waters of the Yellow Sea on Monday. [YONHAP]

Employees from Incheon's Fisheries Resource Development Research Institute release around 1.4 million blue crab hatchlings into the Eurwang waters of the Yellow Sea on Monday. [YONHAP]

Employees from Incheon's Fisheries Resource Development Research Institute release around 1.4 million blue crab hatchlings into the Eurwang waters of the Yellow Sea on Monday as part of an initiative to revive the blue crab population.
Around 27 percent of blue crab caught in Korea comes from Incheon, and hatchlings must be released regularly to sustain crab fisheries. This year's batch, which hatched in May, will take one to two years to fully mature to be suitable for consumption.
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