Kia's EV2 to debut in Europe in 2026

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Kia's EV2 to debut in Europe in 2026

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Kia CEO Song Ho-sung, left, greets Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp at the "Georgia Night" event held at the Conrad Seoul in western Seoul on Monday. [NEWS1]

Kia CEO Song Ho-sung, left, greets Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp at the "Georgia Night" event held at the Conrad Seoul in western Seoul on Monday. [NEWS1]

Kia’s EV2, the carmaker's entry electric model, will hit European roads in 2026.
"The EV2 will be released in the European market in 2026," Kia CEO Song Ho-sung told the Korea JoongAng Daily at a corporate event held in Seoul on Monday.
"We don't plan to release the model in Korea, but may consider it later depending on market conditions," Song said.

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The decision reflects the preference of European drivers for smaller vehicles, while consumers in the United States and Korea prefer larger cars like SUVs and pickups.
The EV2, which is currently under development, will be the smallest and most affordable EV yet in Kia's all-electric range. The company recently launched the EV3 in Korea, which is slightly bigger than EV2.
The budget EV is reported to include a crossover or SUV-like design rather than a hatch, though Kia didn't confirm any details.
The price could start from 200,000 euros ($21,500), media reports speculate.
Kia plans to have six models in its EV lineup by 2026. The EV3, EV5, EV6 and EV9 have already been released in the markets. 
The Korean carmaker aims to ramp up its sales to 587,000 EVs in 2026, a fourfold jump from this year.
"Kia will overcome the current EV slowdown with budget models," Song said during an event for investors earlier in the year.

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