Power a hot commodity in scorching temperatures

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Power a hot commodity in scorching temperatures

An official at the Power Management Office of the Korea Electric Power Corporation's Gyeonggi Headquarters in Suwon, is monitoring the power supply situation as the ongoing heat wave increasing power demand. [YONHAP]

An official at the Power Management Office of the Korea Electric Power Corporation's Gyeonggi Headquarters in Suwon, is monitoring the power supply situation as the ongoing heat wave increasing power demand. [YONHAP]

An official at the Power Management Office of the Korea Electric Power Corporation's Gyeonggi Headquarters in Suwon is monitoring the power supply situation as the ongoing heat wave drives up power demand on Thursday.
The peak power demand this summer is expected to reach 92.3 gigawatts and is forecasted to hit during the second week of August, when industrial operations resume after the holiday period.
The projected peak is similar to last summer, when it rose to 93.6 gigawatts.

BY CHOI HAE-JIN [choi.haejin@joongang.co.kr]
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