SK chairman's estranged wife ordered to vacate art gallery in SK building

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SK chairman's estranged wife ordered to vacate art gallery in SK building

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Art Center Nabi director Roh Soh-yeong exits the Seoul High Court in Seocho District, southern Seoul, on April 16. [NEWS1]

Art Center Nabi director Roh Soh-yeong exits the Seoul High Court in Seocho District, southern Seoul, on April 16. [NEWS1]

The estranged wife of SK Chairman Chey Tae-won has been ordered by the Seoul Central District Court on Friday to vacate her art gallery located inside an SK building.
The Seoul Central District Court ruled that the Art Center Nabi, headed by Roh Soh-yeong, must vacate the SK Seorin Building in central Seoul.
The verdict is the latest development in Korea's most expensive divorce settlement between Chey and his estranged wife, Roh.
The Art Center Nabi, a digital art gallery, is currently located on the fourth floor of the SK Seorin Building, which serves as a de facto headquarters for many SK affiliates.  
The building is owned by SK Innovation, which filed a suit for property handover against the gallery in April 2023. The case was referred for mediation, with two sessions held in November, but both sides failed to settle.
SK Innovation claimed that it has been repeatedly demanding the eviction since the lease contract between SK and Art Center Nabi expired in September 2019. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the gallery has continued to occupy the space for over four years.

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