Taking time off

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Taking time off

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A shopper reads a book near a bookshelf in the job hunting and career section at a bookstore in Seoul on Sunday. [YONHAP]

A shopper reads a book near a bookshelf in the job hunting and career section at a bookstore in Seoul on Sunday. [YONHAP]

A shopper reads a book near a bookshelf in the job hunting and career section at a bookstore in Seoul on Sunday.
The number of young people aged between 15 and 29 who said that they were neither working nor actively seeking a job grew in May, marking the first on-year increase in nine months, according to the latest data from Statistics Korea. The figure rose 13,000 last month from the same period a year earlier, bringing the total to 398,000. The May figure is the second-highest number ever, following 462,000 logged in 2020. 
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