Young job seekers sit for interviews in Busan

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Young job seekers sit for interviews in Busan

Job seekers undergo interviews at a youth job fair held at the Yeonje District Office in Busan on Wednesday afternoon. In May, the number of Korean youths not in the job market reached some 400,000, the highest since the pandemic in 2020, according to Statistics Korea. [NEWS1]

Job seekers undergo interviews at a youth job fair held at the Yeonje District Office in Busan on Wednesday afternoon. In May, the number of Korean youths not in the job market reached some 400,000, the highest since the pandemic in 2020, according to Statistics Korea. [NEWS1]

Job seekers undergo interviews at a youth job fair held at the Yeonje District Office in Busan on Wednesday afternoon. In May, the number of Korean youths not in the job market reached some 400,000, the highest since the pandemic in 2020, according to Statistics Korea.
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